photo credit: Pat Cray
Noah Falck is a poet and culture worker. He is the author of the poetry collections Exclusions (Finalist for the 2020 Believer Book Award) and Snowmen Losing Weight as well as several chapbooks including the co-written collection, Prerecorded Weather (Winner of the James Tate Poetry Prize).
He edited the anthology Ten Years of Poems in Grain Silos and co-edited My Next Heart: New Buffalo Poetry. His poems have appeared in the Bennington Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Kenyon Review, Literary Hub, Ploughshares, Poetry Daily,, Poetry Northwest, and anthologized in Poem-A-Day 365 Poems for Every Occasion.
In 2013, he founded the Silo City Reading Series, a multimedia poetry event series inside a 120-foot high, 100-year-old abandoned grain elevator. He lives in Buffalo, New York, where he works at Just Buffalo Literary Center.