Poems (selected)

After Eric Aho’s Ice Cut (1933) at the AKG,” Poetry Northwest
Skip to the Best Part,” Cortland Review
Poem Excluding City,” Poetry Daily
Lake,” Typo
Poem Excluding Air Quotes,Literary Hub
Histogram of the Moments You Were Alive,” Wildness
ECLOGUE,” Diagram - John Ashbery Erasure
The Year Everything Looked Like Sky,” Kenyon Review
You Are In Nearly Every Future,” Paperbag
The Last Night of Summer,” Super Teacher Worksheets
Fatigue Performance,” Poets.org
You Are In Nearly Every Future,” Adroit Journal

"MISTAKES ON PURPOSE" Did you know the shadows / played the part of sadness / in the decade before we met? // And the trees swooned / slow like a secret / between old lovers. // You got better with age / was the mood I was in / that afternoon on the Hudson. // Maybe an emptiness / made out of October / I couldn’t apologize for // or that long drive / into the middle of the state / where all the flags hung like fire. // I remember standing in a room / the color of dropped pennies / holding hands with strangers in masks. // Midnight came and went. / We stood still, together, / part darkness, part sky.


"MISTAKES ON PURPOSE" Did you know the shadows / played the part of sadness / in the decade before we met? // And the trees swooned / slow like a secret / between old lovers. // You got better with age / was the mood I was in / that afternoon on the Hudson. // Maybe an emptiness / made out of October / I couldn’t apologize for // or that long drive / into the middle of the state / where all the flags hung like fire. // I remember standing in a room / the color of dropped pennies / holding hands with strangers in masks. // Midnight came and went. / We stood still, together, / part darkness, part sky. 〰️